Thursday, August 16, 2012

Introductory Questions Usually Raised in Physical Anthropology Classes

1. How do humans differ from animals?

          Aside from possessing rationality and intellect, humans are the only species to ponder their own existence and situatedness or position in the spectrum of life on earth. Humans are also the only species to develop language and culture as means of buffering nature's challenges.

2. How is predisposition a common feature between humans and animals?

        Culture isn't genetically determined, but predisposition to assimilate and function in culture is influenced by biological factors. In this light, non-humans can be said to have (some) culture. 

3. It is said that only 2% separates man from chimps. What is this 2%?

        Value and use for Semiotics --- Only humans can use symbols. 


  1. One thing that George Carlin was able to point out, is that humans are the only beings on earth that can carry out assassinations. As for me, I think we are the only ones capable of discussing politics and gossip.

  2. Yes indeed, on both points.

    Culture-wise, it is interesting to note that primates are capable of practicing some ideology. Massive infanticide only happens upon the de-throning of the alpha male (who may not always be the strongest and the wisest).

    [To my other readers curious about De-throning: It doesn't count as assassination because the latter involves the elements of secrecy as well as strategy. De-throning is just basic killing by the group or something similar]

    The newborns of the old alpha are killed for two reasons:

    1 - For the shorter period to bring about ovulation for the
    next wave of offspring
    2 - Ideological, where its to wipe out the latest
    genealogical line believed to be inferior --- weakness
    of course along with poor judgment plays a role in
    survival and this is a natural instinct.

  3. Note to my readers:

    *I also have to add that even though the term IDEOLOGY is usually included under the rubric of the POLITICAL, this example would not count as political either because the interest presented is something instinctual. It is nature, not nurture.
